Survivor (2017)
For Countertenor and Piano (10'45")
Commissioned by Robert Francis Orbach
Lyrics by Robert Francis Orbach
Premiered by Robert Francis Orbach - Countertenor, Travis Bloom - Piano, April 15th, 2017
Miller Recital Hall, Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY
For Memory of Them (2012)
For Baritone Solo, Viola, and Piano (9'30")
Premiered by Cameron Johnson - Baritone, David Derrico - Viola, Amanda Johnson - Piano
Borden Auditorium, Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY, February 7th, 2013
David (2010)
For Tenor Solo with Brass Ensemble (11'30")
Commissioned by the IUP Brass Ensemble
Premiered by the IUP Brass Ensemble, Mark Dundore - Tenor, Christian Dickinson - Conductor
Fisher Performing Arts Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, April 23rd, 2011
Lullaby (2014)
For Choir, String Quartet, Paino, & Chanters (5'30")
Premiered by students of Manhattan School of Music
Borden Auditorium, Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY, February 20th, 2014
Time Passes (2014)
For Tenor and Piano (3'45")
Premiered by Matthew Krenz and James Sheppard, April 28th, 2014
Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY
Vocal Works
Orchestral Works
La Tirana (2016)
For Viola Solo & Orchestra (26'00)
(1Alto+1Picc.1.2.2 / / Timp. + 2perc / Pno / Hp / Gtr(opt.) / Strings)
Premiered by Students of Manhattan School of Music, Daniel Lamas - Viola, Derek Cooper - Conductor, April 7th, 2016
Ades Performance Space, Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY
Empty Playgrounds (2015)
For Orchestra (8'15")
(1+picc.2.2.2 / / 3perc / Pno / Hp / Strings)
Premiered by the Manhattan School of Music Symphony Orchestra, George Manahan - Conductor, Feb. 12th, 2016
Borden Auditorium, Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY
Starry Night (2015)
For Chamber Orchestra (14'00")
( / / 2perc / Pno / Hp / Strings)
Premiered by students of Manhattan School of Music, Kyle Ritenauer - Conductor, May 13th, 2015
Bossi-Comelli Studio, Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY